Thursday, January 31, 2013

1: Classical Physics

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” -Max Plank



*Classical Physics
*Classical vs. Quantum Physics
*Quantum Physics
*Quantum Consciousness


The study of consciousness is a vast field that has been explored in the mystical realm since the beginnings of civilization. Through advances in science, slowly man has attempted to explore this phenomena using objective terms. Our understanding of the inner workings of the universe is still far from conclusion, but through the use of Quantum Physics, we seem to be making progress. Quantum Consciousness is a topic that gives rise to more questions than answers, but through its exploration, we come to appreciation of the complexity of its nature and perhaps gain insight on what the mystics were trying to talk about.

The information presented in this document, serves to provide an understanding of this phenomena at the fundamental level and by no means a reflection of the topic in its entirety.

Classical Physics
      (framework of our world)

Classical Physics is the study of matter and energy at the fundamental particle level supported by Einstein's theory of relativity, the cornerstone of modern physics. Relativity at the basic level explains movement in our known universe by describing how space, matter and time behave in relation to one another and are relative to each other in any circumstance. 

The Laws of Relativity
1. Nothing travels faster than light
2. Light always travels at the same speed (186,000mph)
3. The faster you travel, the slower time moves, the heavier you get and the shorter long things get.
4.The core premise is that all relationships remain the same regardless of its perceptions 

For example, a clock on the ground next to the Empire State building will run faster than a clock on top of the building (because the clock on top is further away from the center of the planet) however, the time is the same for someone on top of the Empire State building and for the person on the street. 

Fundamentals of Theory of Relativity
Space and time are not separate, instead are woven together making a fabric called spacetime.
With the presence of matter, spacetime curves (can respond can expand, contract)--------->GRAVITY
The larger the matter, the larger the distortion of the spacetime fabric----->larger the GRAVITY

GRAVITY is not a force; it is a curvature, a shape in the fabric of spacetime. 

... therefore spacetime is not flat or a line, it is curved... 
       (orbits, trajectories, pathways of the cosmos)

    presence of matter = warped spacetime
         warped spacetime = GRAVITY
          GRAVITY = relativity

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

2: Classical Physics vs. Quantum Physics

Classical Physics vs. Quantum Physics
                     (incongruous theories) 

Classical physics observes the universe at a macroscopic level, explaining the behavior of planets down to the behavior of atoms. Under classical physics and the relativity principle, all matter is subject to the effects of gravity and spacetime. Even light, which is the maximum speed at which all energy can travel, is subjected to gravity. 
Quantum Physics observes the universe at a microscopic level, peaking into the atom at the subatomic level at the behavior of the indivisible units of energy, or Planck units. 

In the classical world, behavior can be predicted like clockwork (as is used in modern technology)
The quantum world, behavior is probabilistic and appears erratic, not predictable. 

These two theories demonstrate that the universe is composed of multiple sets of laws, and that at the heart, nature is a game of chance.  "I cannot believe that God plays dice with the universe" (Einstein).

Monday, January 28, 2013

3:Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum physics is the study of the essence of the universe at indivisible level, the quantum nature of reality. Unlike classical physics, quantum physics seems unpredictable.
Quanta particles do not behave according to the laws of classical physics.

Wave-Particle Duality 

This principle states that quanta particles exhibit properties of both a wave and a particle.

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

No particle has a definite position, trajectory or momentum. The more precisely one property is known, the less precisely the other is known. 

For example:
You are driving. You can measure your speed or location, but you cannot know both at the same time. To measure your speed, your location must be changing, and to measure your location, your speed must be assumed rather than measured. 

Both of these concepts can be observed in the Double Slit Experiment. Here we see particles act as both particles and waves.  

1) When particles are passed through double slits, they create a pattern of two bands.

2) When waves pass through double slits, an interference pattern occurs where the top of one wave cancels the bottom of the other wave. The lines that are recorded (highest in intensity)
are where the tops of both waves meet. at the quantum level

3) When photons(particles of light) are passed through double slits, they create an interference pattern like a wave leading to the conclusion that the photon turned into a wave of potential, then passed through the double slits and interfered with itself. (Wave Particle Duality)

4) When a measuring device was added by the slits to see which slit the photon passed, the photons went back into acting like a particle and produced the two bands. The act of observing had an effect on the particle or wave nature of the photon. (Uncertainty Principle)

If you are still confused, this youtube clip explains the Double Slit Experiment!

Dr Quantum - Double Slit Experiment

There are three distinctive features of the quantum world:
1) Quantum Superposition
2) Quantum Entanglement
3) Quantum Coherence

1) Superposition

Superposition is a theory that states that quantum particles (unaffected by coherence) can be in more than one place at the same time. 

"It's like you have a child's swing that goes back and forth," says O'Connell. "We pushed the swing and didn't push the swing at the same time."

This is described by Schrodinger's Cat scenario:

The state of Superposition is thought to collapse and become one wavefunction with the effects of observation. This event of wavefunction collapse is explained by several theories:
The Copenhagen Interpretation (most widely accepted)

States that the act of observing/measuring causes the multiple states (probabilities) to assume one of the possible values. This event is called wavefunction collapse. (as seen in the double slit experiment) This interpretation implies that the consciousness plays an active role in determining reality. 

Many Worlds Interpretation

Denies the idea of wavefunction collapse. Instead of collapsing into one reality, the Many Worlds Interpretation claims that observation/measurement causes an actual split in the universe creating parallel worlds accommodating each of the possible outcomes. 

2) Quantum Entanglement 

Entanglement is a theory that claims the existence of unified particles that when separated, remain connected over distance and time. These quantum particle pairs are intrinsically and absolutely linked; therefore, if one of the particles moves, the other half moves almost instantaneously. This reaction between the two entangled particles is faster than the speed of light and therefore defies the theory of relativity. 

3) Quantum Coherence 

Coherence is when multiple particles can condense into one unified entity that is governed by one wave function and collectively cooperate in a single quantum state.  Coherent waves have the same frequency, phases and amplitude. 

Spacial Coherence describes the correlation between signals at different points in space. An example would be a strong correlation between electrical fields at different locations. 
Temporal Coherence describes the correlation between signals at different moments in time. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Quantum Consciousness

What is consciousness?

There are two distinct processes relating to consciousness: "one is the objective matter process such as the neural process in the brain, and the other is the concomitant subjective conscious experience." (Chalmers 1996)

Quantum Consciousness is the area that lies in between these two processes, using quantum physics as a basis of explaining this phenomena. This theory states that the source of consciousness lies in processes such as SUPERPOSITION and ENTANGLEMENT that occur in the brain. 

Where does consciousness come from?

Is it local to the brain, or somehow connected to the universe?
These conflicting views are explored in the mind-body problem or the hard problem of consciousness. 

Emergence is a view that consciousness emerges from high level complexity in a hierarchal system. Therefore our brain produces our consciousness. 

The opposing Fundamental view of consciousness was first explored by Descartes. 
He proposed that consciousness arose from the brain(the pineal gland) intercepting thought from a separate immaterial domain.

This view has been further explored in the study of Quantum Consciousness, binding philosophy and science into coherence.

Orch- OR
(Orchestrated Objective Reduction)

"There is something outside the computational laws of physics"-Sir Roger Penrose

Theory proposed by Sir Roger Penrose and Dr. Stuart Hameroff, Orch-OR is the emergent theory in explaining Quantum Consciousness.

OR-Objective Reduction

Penrose proposed that...

For the brain to compute the way it does, it cannot do so linearly therefore there must be another processing system.

(?)= Non Computable Processing 
For information to be processed in a non-linear manner, the brain must compute Quantum Mechanically. At the fundamental level of spacetime geometry is where consciousness is derived.

OR states that the quantum state of the brain is in constant superposition called the wave function(existing as both particle and wave). Superposition, according to Penrose, is a separation from fundamental reality. Consciousness arises when a quantum wave-function collapses on itself and becomes one of its many possible states. This can occur through observation. For example, the mind "I" is an observation that is observing itself and therefore experiences consciousness.

The larger and more complex the system, the faster consciousness is achieved. For example, an electron in superposition would take 10 million years to reach threshold of collapse and then would have a tiny,dull moment of consciousness. The human brain, reaches this threshold at 25 msec and therefore has 40 conscious moments every second. 

ORCH- Orchestrated

Hameroff proposed the biological aspect of this phenomena...

Hameroff deduced that the brain is capable of performing Quantum tasks within structural components called MICROTUBULES.

The combination of these theories leads to the theory that the brain is a QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSOR that processes ENTANGLED information. 


*polymer-like cylindrical structure (made of Tubulin)
*size ~2nm

*fundamental structures in forming architecture of neurons 
*what allow transmission of neuro-chemicals across the synapse
*contain high densities of  π orbiting electrons

Because these Microtubules are positioned in clusters, the π orbiting electrons can become Quantumly Entangled. (Through Gap Junctions)

This Quantum Entanglement means that information can be processed at different parts of the brain instantly (faster the the speed of light) without a path of neural networks. (Through Gap Junctions)

Why Microtubules for the source of Consciousness?

Single cell paramecium can learn, avoid predators, find food, mate... no neurons 
... uses microtubules as their nervous system
 Microtubules organize in cell division...if this goes wrong cancer ( we still do not understand how it works) They are also optically sensitive to light...

Alzheimer's disease is a disease of microtubules... when microtubules disintegrate, loss of memory and consciousness occurs.

Long term information is stored in microtubules.

...Are these phenomena an indicator of the significance of microtubules in consciousness?


Tubulins, or the subunits of the microtubules, are thought to be the source of consciousness. Tubules, according to Hameroff, are in a constant state of superposition. The diagram below shows an image of a microtubule (left) and its subunits tubulin (right). The black and white tubulins represent the dual superpositions and the grey tubulin represents its quantum state. 

This diagram represents the shifting of the states of these tubulins. When the threshold is reached, there is thought to be a moment of consciousness  The threshold is found between the sixth and seventh slide. This threshold is thought to be reached forty times a second. This would indicate that instead of having one continuous conscious experience, we have multiple series of conscious moments that we interpret as stream of thought. 

"Outside of consciousness there may not be a flow of time. Time may exist but not in terms of flowing in a direction. There may only be this now, this individual now, and another now and another now... and we connect them through memory and so forth" (Hameroff).

This theory that we have 40 conscious moments per second is consistent with neuroscience in the neural activity of Gamma waves that oscillate at around 40Hz. Gamma waves are the product of neural synchrony during conscious attention. 

Tibetan Monks, through meditation, have attained higher/ altered states of consciousness with brainwaves at 80Hz, which may also serve as an indicator of this threshold. 

The key point in Quantum Entanglement is that every point in spacetime is connected.
Death then would lead to the brain no longer being entangled to itself and would lose its Quantum State; however, information can never be lost or destroyed, only transformed. Therefore our information would simply dissepitate and entangle itself with the rest of the universe. 

According to ORCH-OR, man is simply an entangled fragment of a universal consciousness. 
Consciousness is information and a process of fundamental spacetime geometry,  and so when the brain stops working (at death) the coherence driving the system to contain consciousness collapses and the information then dissipates back into spacetime. But due to quantum entanglement, this information tends to stay localized... explaining Near Death Experiences of Out of Body Experiences. 

....and this is a fragment of the blueprint of Quantum Consciousness