Tuesday, January 29, 2013

2: Classical Physics vs. Quantum Physics

Classical Physics vs. Quantum Physics
                     (incongruous theories) 

Classical physics observes the universe at a macroscopic level, explaining the behavior of planets down to the behavior of atoms. Under classical physics and the relativity principle, all matter is subject to the effects of gravity and spacetime. Even light, which is the maximum speed at which all energy can travel, is subjected to gravity. 
Quantum Physics observes the universe at a microscopic level, peaking into the atom at the subatomic level at the behavior of the indivisible units of energy, or Planck units. 

In the classical world, behavior can be predicted like clockwork (as is used in modern technology)
The quantum world, behavior is probabilistic and appears erratic, not predictable. 

These two theories demonstrate that the universe is composed of multiple sets of laws, and that at the heart, nature is a game of chance.  "I cannot believe that God plays dice with the universe" (Einstein).

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