“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” -Max Plank
*Classical Physics
*Classical vs. Quantum Physics
*Quantum Physics
*Quantum Consciousness
The study of consciousness is a vast field that has been explored in the mystical realm since the beginnings of civilization. Through advances in science, slowly man has attempted to explore this phenomena using objective terms. Our understanding of the inner workings of the universe is still far from conclusion, but through the use of Quantum Physics, we seem to be making progress. Quantum Consciousness is a topic that gives rise to more questions than answers, but through its exploration, we come to appreciation of the complexity of its nature and perhaps gain insight on what the mystics were trying to talk about.
The information presented in this document, serves to provide an understanding of this phenomena at the fundamental level and by no means a reflection of the topic in its entirety.
Classical Physics
(framework of our world)
Classical Physics is the study of matter and energy at the fundamental particle level supported by Einstein's theory of relativity, the cornerstone of modern physics. Relativity at the basic level explains movement in our known universe by describing how space, matter and time behave in relation to one another and are relative to each other in any circumstance.
The Laws of Relativity
1. Nothing travels faster than light
2. Light always travels at the same speed (186,000mph)
3. The faster you travel, the slower time moves, the heavier you get and the shorter long things get.
4.The core premise is that all relationships remain the same regardless of its perceptions
For example, a clock on the ground next to the Empire State building will run faster than a clock on top of the building (because the clock on top is further away from the center of the planet) however, the time is the same for someone on top of the Empire State building and for the person on the street.
Fundamentals of Theory of Relativity
Space and time are not separate, instead are woven together making a fabric called spacetime.
With the presence of matter, spacetime curves (can respond dynamically...it can expand, contract)--------->GRAVITY
The larger the matter, the larger the distortion of the spacetime fabric----->larger the GRAVITY
... therefore spacetime is not flat or a line, it is curved...
(orbits, trajectories, pathways of the cosmos)
presence of matter = warped spacetime
warped spacetime = GRAVITY
GRAVITY = relativity
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